

On 2.400 m

They are on 2.400 m. The backs hurt, and the fingers are covered with blisters. The weather changes rapidly, only the nights are constantly cold. As every day they report to their diary, as every day they will try to upload it with some images on the servers in order to feed the exhibitions in Munich and Venice with updates. The developement can be followed even more closely online, where every single metre they dragged the boat was tracked.

The red object on the glacier, this thing which does not belong there - that was the starting idea for this project. Now, as they are reaching the Schlegeis Glacier, the image has turned towards a physical torture for the two artists. They cannot care much about the reviews in the media or the response of the visitors of the exhibitions. For us it still might have a metaphorical meaning, for them it is simply a matter of physical and mental survival. And it is still a way to go.


Image: Thomas Huber/Wolfgang Aichner: passage2011, Photo: Matthias Fuchs

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